The simple combination of milk, eggs, cinnamon and rum wine will create a fantastic song in your mouth when tasting. Do you want to try it immediately? So, why don’t follow my instruction to make one of stunning Vietnam Cuisine right now?
4 yolks
40g icing sugar
500ml fresh milk (no sugar)
½ teaspoon cinnamon flour
1 teaspoon vanilla starch
1 teaspoon rum wine or any wine you love
Whipping cream and cherries
Step 1: Stir yolks with icing sugar well until sugar is melted and color turn light yellow and soft.

Step 2: Mix fresh milk, cinnamon together, bring to cook until it starts boiling. Turn off the heat immediately.

Step 3: Pour mixture in step 2 into mixture in step 1, do not stop stirring when pouring.

Step 4: Bring the mixture in step 3 to cook again with small heat. Stir gently with wooden spoon until this mixture becomes thicker and has one layer on top. Do not cook too long, it will be spoiled. Turn off the heat and add vanilla starch, rum wine into mixture egg, stir well. Wait to reduce heat and put in the fridge. Here is the most important step to creating one of amazing Vietnam Cuisine.

Step 5: Pour this mixture into glasses, add more stirred whipping cream and cherries on top.

Finally, one of amazing Vietnam Cuisine is already finished to serve. Eating with all beloved members of the family on Christmas night is never better. Hope you will have great season greetings and Good luck for your cooking.