Over the years, gongs have become a typical cultural characteristic, unique and attractive of the Central Highlands. In 2005, the Space of Gong Culture in Vietnams Central Highlands was officially recognized as Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
The Gongs culture space of Tay Nguyen spreads through Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Lam Dong province and it belongs to ethnic minorities living aroud these area, such as: Bana, XeDan, M’nong, Co Ho, Ro Mam, E De, Gia Rai… Gongs have a strong attachment to people who live in Tay Nguyen. It’s the voice of people’s spirit which express their happiness and sorrow.
The Gongs origined from an ancient tradition. Basically, it’s believed to be “the descendant” of rock instrument. Ancient people found some kind of rock instrument before the age of Bronze. At first, gongs were used to celebrate new crops and were the communication mean with super nature. The gong’s sound is trill, profound but strong and moving either. It sounds like combining with the sound of flowing stream and the sound of soul. Thus, it’s long live with Tay Nguyen land. Gongs are used in every event of Tay Nguyen’s people.
Tay Nguyen people believe that there are always Gods hidden inside every gongs. The older the gong is, the stronger the God is. Gongs also represent for wealthiest and power. A gong used to be worth 2 elephants or 20 bulls. On festivals, the scene in which many people dancing around fire with gongs make Tay Nguyen charming and fanciful. Hence, gongs donate into many magnanimous literature and poems of Tay Nguyen people.